Third part of a trilogy by Brazilian-Dutch filmmaker Maria Augusta Ramos, about the legal system in Rio de Janeiro. Penetrating portrait on how a new police force was set up to pacify the favela Hill of Pleasures.
After decades of lawlessness, order seems to have returned to the Hill of Pleasures, a favela close to Rio’s centre, a Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) has taken over control from organized crime. There is intensive patrolling, law has been restored and for the first time, residents get to voice their complaints. But years of police aggression and the absence of the State aren’t that easily forgotten.
In Hill of Pleasures, director Maria Augusta Ramos looks at this new situation – the process of pacification – from the perspective of six main characters: the local postman, a teenager with a history of involvement in drug dealing, a bookseller and three police officers – the captain responsible for the UPP Unit of the Hill, the commanding officer of all UPPs and a patrolling policeman. In her observational style, Maria Augusta Ramos shows the daily tensions between residents and the new police force and looks at the obstacles on the road to reconciliation.
As in Justice and Behave, Hill of Pleasures reflects on the concept of justice, law and citizenship held by residents as well as those who must uphold it, in this case, the UPP policemen and women.
A Keydocs, Nofoco Filmes and VPRO production with the support of the Dutch Mediafonds.
Barbara Truyen
Janneke Doolaard
Maria Ramos
a Keydocs,
a Nofoco Filmes
and VPRO production
with support of the
Dutch Cultural Media Fund